

5:15 – 5:25 Overview of Zayo & Business Case for Big Data - Presented by Jason Tibbs, VP ISP, Big Data
5:25 – 5:30 Short Q&A
5:30 – 5:35 Presentation of the Business Case for Hackathon
5:35 – 6:35 Hackathon Working Session part 1
6:35 – 6:45 Break for food
6:45 – 7:45 Hackathon Working Session part 2
7:45 – 8:05 Presentations
8:05 – 8:15 Judging & Awards Presentation


Zayo Building Dataset

XLSX Data obtained from Zayo in the Excel format. These are buildings Zayo alrady has installations and active operations.
CSV Same data in CSV format, with field names slighty modified
JSON Transformed from CSV and ready to import into a mongodb server



Identify new business opporunities for Zayo

  • Listen to Zayo’s business case
  • Use any tool you’ve learned this semester (MongoDB, D3, Tableau)
  • Create a report with your analyses with visualizations
  • Give presentation to the class and Zayo representatives.


  • Use Yelp dataset to see if there are buildings nearby Zayo’s current operations in a given market


The class will be divided into four teams. Team assignment will be facilitated by the teaching staff.

Data Access

We have hosted a MongoDB server on MongoLab, to make it easy for your team to get started.

Connnect to this server via shell:

mongo -u zayo -p zayo1201

Run a test query

rs-ds051990:PRIMARY> db.buildings.findOne()
	"_id" : ObjectId("547c67aab0a49f44fe42c1bb"),
	"market" : "Charlottesville, VA",
	"address" : "212 7th St NE",
	"floor" : "2nd Floor",
	"city" : "Charlottesville",
	"state" : "VA",
	"postal" : "22902",
	"status" : "Fiber Only",
	"type" : "Office",
	"code" : {
		"LATA" : "928",
	"loc" : {
		"type" : "Point",
		"coordinates" : [
	"coordinate" : {
		"v" : 5918.1,
		"h" : 1680.5