Graph database (I)

Over the next few weeks, we will spend time learning the basic of graph databases, in particular, Neo4j. This week is a warm-up exercise.


Checkpoint 1

Install Neo4j on your computer. Unlike in previous weeks, you are not given a screenshot as an example of what you are supposed to be able to see at this checkpoint. Instead, you will need to decide on your own which screenshot to include in your submission to demonstrate your successful completion of this checkpoint.

Checkpoint 2

Neo4j’s web interface provides a number of basic tutorials about Graph Databases and Cypher. Read through them. Execute a sample query given in the tutorial. Take a screenshot to show that you are able to execute a query successfully through Neo4J’s web interface.

Checkpoint 3

Take a sample query in the tutorial. Modify something about it. Take a screenshot to show that you are able to execute a different query and get a different result.

Let’s it for this week! We will begin to delve into Neo4j more starting next week.