Week 1


  • Create a Github account (for submitting your work).
  • Create a Disqus account (for asking questions and participating in discussion about each learning topic on our course website).
  • Complete a pre-class survey (for letting the teaching staff know more about your background and learning objectives).


This week’s learning challenge has two units:

Splunk (I)

D3 (II)

Show and Tell

Find a recent article about big data. Be ready to tell the class why this article is interesting.


Each week’s learning challenge is worth 100 points. The distribution of the points are specified in the learning journal (see next).


A template has been created for you to keep a learning journal for this week. This template is in the form of a Git repository.

The link to the repository is: https://github.com/CSCI-4830-002-2014/challenge-week-1

  1. To start, fork the repository.
  2. Clone the repository to your computer.
  3. Modify the files and commit changes to complete your solution.
    • README.md is the template file. Edit your name. Enter your answers to the study questions. Enter JSFiddle links…etc.
    • The images in the folder are placeholder images. Replace them with your own screenshot images.
  4. Push the changes up to GitHub.
  5. Create a pull request on the original repository to turn in the assignment.

If you are not familair with Github enough to go through this process, please seek help.

  • Go to the TA’s office hours.
  • Go get help from one of the LAs.