Analysis (I)

(This is a part of week 5’s learning challenge)

We are going to cover several useful JS libraries for anlaysis. This unit serves as a warm up exercise.


Checkpoint 1

Read about gauss, described as a “JavaScript statistics, analytics, and data library - Node.js and web browser ready. Get this library installed on your system. Go to the very bottom of the page. Find the section titled Using the REPL console. Get this example working on your computer. Take a screenshot to submit.

Checkpoint 2

Modify the example to use our own data. Use the Olympic Athletes Dataset. Export the values in the “Age” column to a text file. Compute the max, min, and average age of the athletes. Take a screenshot to submit.

Checkpoint 3

Read about i.js. Get the D3: basic example working on your computer. You should see something like this.


Modify the code in the In [2] cell to increase the size of the data array to 10. Get the bar chart to show 10 bars instead of 5 bars. Take a screenshot to submit.

(This library might not work on some computers. If you encounter a technical problem, make the best effort to resolve. If you are still unable to resolve the problem, you can skip this checkpoint and submit a screenshot showing the problem you encountered. We will troubleshoot later.)